Pricing for members
$0.32 for extra targets
$0.45 for extra targets
$0.45 for extra targets
Pricing for non-members
$0.50 for extra targets
$0.60 for extra targets
$0.60 for extra targets
$15 / day for Military with valid ID
*** Please note for all prices that sales tax is not included ***
Pinetucky is open to the public and membership is not required to use the facilities.
However, membership to our club includes:
1. Special reduced rates for skeet, trap, sporting clays and the use of the banquet facilities for members and their guests
2. Members can use the Rifle & Pistol ranges any time during normal hours at no additional fees.
A membership applies to all family members that are legal tax deductions and affords an opportunity to sponsor guest visits for friends and associates.
Membership is $280 per year
Annual dues are collected on your membership anniversary. Membership dues are collected to defray the general operating expenses of the club facilities. For members wishing to request more access to ranges after normal hours, please speak with the club manager for information.
Please Support Us. Your contribution will enable us to support the longevity and future of Pinetucky Gun Club. We are very grateful for your generosity.
Pinetucky has lost a beloved friend.
We are deeply saddened by the passing of
Timmy Pittman. Please keep his family
and friends in your prayers.